
Less Than Jake Update

In seinem Blog äußerte sich Schlagzeuger Vinnie über die Labelsituation und das kommende Album. Nach dem sie Warner / Sire Records verlassen haben stehen die Jungs momentan ohne Label da. Zudem standen sie wegen der letzten beiden Alben stark unter Beschuss ihrer eigenen Fans. Hier Vinnies Kommentar...

"Lots of people assume the label is Fat or SideOneDummy, hell I even heard someone saying we’d go to Fueled By Ramen. The music business has always been a weird place to me, hell back in the 80's labels owned the band hook, line and sinker. The magazine. Put good looking guys on covers of the magazine to sell more copies, bands dressed up in make up and teased hair. It was style over substance Bottom line these days of dwindling record sales is to take a large percentage of a bands publishing, merchandise, ownership of future projects of members individually and all without adding anything substantial to the pot itself except distribution. The question really is do young bands care about being "owned" in all these ways? In my past experience, the answer is no."

"Chris came up with a few songs so far and he played them for me, I've been writing lyrics a bunch and just stocking up on ideas for songs. I'm anxious to start work on a new record after tour is done."